Accept crypto payments on the website

Are you looking for a way to expand your payment options and attract more customers to your website? With Whitepay's CMS plugins, you can easily accept Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies on your website.

Accept crypto payments on the website

Crypto payment plugins from Whitepay

Benefits of accepting cryptocurrency on your website

Why accept crypto payments on your website?

Tap into a growing market

Attract new customers by using cryptocurrencies.

Stay ahead of the competition

Differentiate your business with innovative payment solutions.

Payment flexibility

Offer customers the convenience of paying with their preferred digital currency.

Global reach and borderless payments

Expand your business globally with seamless cross-border transactions.

Foster trust and confidence

Enhance security and transparency with cryptocurrency payments.

Early adoption advantage

Stand out as an industry leader by using cryptocurrencies.

Enhanced privacy

Provide added privacy through cryptocurrency transactions.

Lower transaction costs

Save on fees with cost-effective cryptocurrency payments.

Whitepay works with any wallet

With us, you don't have to worry about the compatibility of your customers' wallets.

We work with any wallets and support more than 200 currencies.

WhiteBIT payments

What’s the best thing about them? The fact that they have no network fee, of course!

Your business isn’t there? 
Let’s fix it.