Whitepay news
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Multi-currency payment gateway: advantages for businesses and comparison of popular services
Have you ever bought something online? Strange question. Obviously, so. And you used a payment gateway, for sure. Today, they are available in the absolute majority of online stores. Now that you're on the other side of the e-commerce world, it's time to integrate the gateway into your online store. And if your business is not limited to your country, then it makes sense to think about a multi-currency payment gateway.
17.10.2023 08:37How To Buy Real Estate With Crypto
The growing popularity of cryptocurrency has led to the fact that crypto has even penetrated the real estate market. And while it is still a relatively new concept, there are a growing number of companies and individuals who are willing to invest in crypto real estate. The first question is: is it possible to buy real estate with crypto? The first answer is yes. And that's where more questions arise: why, where, how, etc. We are here to answer all these (and other) questions.
28.09.2023 09:09How to Get Started With a Cryptocurrency Payment Facilitator
Have you ever thought that there are too many ways to pay online? Different banks, different payment systems, online wallets, gateways, oh my, it's a veritable financial maze. And what about cryptocurrencies? The number of crypto users is growing, and integrating crypto into an already confusing maze is no easy task. For users, it's not a problem. But for businesses, it's a real headache. Companies and charities are turning to payment facilitators (or simply PayFacs) to deal with all this.
28.09.2023 08:35The Evolution of Payment Systems: From Cash to Digital Transactions
One hundred years ago, no one knew about credit cards. Fifty years ago, no one had heard of e-wallets. Twenty years ago, there were no cryptocurrencies. Today, we have hundreds of payment methods to suit every taste.
28.09.2023 08:22How to Quickly and Securely Pay with Crypto
How to pay with cryptocurrency via Whitepay? Paying with cryptocurrency involves several basic steps. This is a guide to help you make a payment using cryptocurrency:
20.09.2023 13:29How to donate with Whitepay
We have prepared step-by-step instructions on how to make a donation with Whitepay:
20.09.2023 12:48ERC-20 Tokens: What They Are and How They Are Used
How did Ethereum shock up the whole Bitcoin scene? What are ERC-20 tokens? And why do we even need them? Whitepay explains.
18.09.2023 09:54A unique journey into the world of blockchain with World Challenge Game and Whitepay
Want to get to know the blockchain industry even better? You can do it in an informal atmosphere! World Challenge Game combines traditional board games with advanced blockchain technology.
18.09.2023 08:13